This is me. I am a sinner saved by grace. With an adorable family (of course I’m biased) and two furry family members, Zoey (a labradoodle) and Phoebe (a Yorkie).
Has life always been so sweet? OF COURSE NOT. My husband Shawn and I have been down a bumpy road. We were married at ages 19 and 20. Had our first child when I was 21 and hit rock bottom financially and relationally by the time I was 22.
When it seemed things couldn’t get worse, we were evicted from our rent-a-trailer and resided with my mother. Our “home” consisted of a full sized matress on a cement floor. On his way to work one day, Shawn got into a car accident and suffered complete amnesia. That’s right! He didn’t remember ANYONE! The man who went in to the day as an atheist hit his head and, not knowing if anyone would come find him, spent the day in the hospital praying to God. I found him late that night after he didn’t return home. After returning home, Shawn asked if we could go to church. I reluctantly said yes. Our friends picked us up and we began attending on a regular basis. I wrestled with God for weeks. Sitting there in the pew Sunday after Sunday, sobbing. It was March 1999 that I accepted the Lord as my Savior. I knew that the world was not how God intended, that things were messed up. I knew that I was messed up (and still am).
From that point on, we have grown in the Lord. Shawn became saved a few months later, because of his head injury he had a difficult time being in public, comprehending what he read, or even going outside. I praise God that since that time, our girls have also made professions of faith and we strive together as a family to know the Lord more and more each day.
By the grace of God, I am no longer who I was and I long to live out my faith by His strength! There will be a link coming soon to explain what all this means for those who are reading this and can’t wrap their minds around this faith thing…stay tuned!